FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) & Retailing jobs offered by Sunsari Overseas typically involve positions in the industry related to the production, distribution, and sale of consumer products that have a quick turnover. This sector includes various products like food and beverages, personal care items, cleaning products, and more, which are typically purchased frequently and in large volumes. FMCG and Retailing jobs may cover a wide range of roles such as sales and marketing, supply chain management, retail management, merchandising, distribution, product development, and various support functions. Candidates in these roles are often responsible for managing the supply chain, distribution channels, and marketing strategies to ensure these products are readily available to consumers and effectively marketed in the retail space. They play a crucial role in the success of FMCG companies and the retail industry by understanding consumer behavior and trends, optimizing product placement, and ensuring efficient logistics and sales strategies.

1. Salesman
2. Check out Cashier
3. Trolley Boys
4. Shelves/Rack Organizers
5. Cleaners/Stockers/Merchandiser

