Labor Law

Labor Law

Nepal's labor laws, primarily governed by the Labor Act, 2017 (2074 B.S.) and its accompanying Labor Rules, set out comprehensive regulations for the country's workforce. These laws cover essential aspects of employment, such as labor contracts, working hours, wages, occupational safety and health, and dispute resolution mechanisms. The Foreign Employment Act, 2007 (2064 B.S.) regulates labor migration, emphasizing the protection of Nepali workers overseas. Additionally, the Trade Union Act, 1992 (2049 B.S.) recognizes the right to form and operate trade unions, granting workers the ability to collectively bargain for their interests. The Social Security Act, 2048 B.S., mandates social security benefits and provisions, including old-age pensions and medical care. The Labor Court Act, 2049 B.S., establishes labor courts for resolving labor disputes. These laws collectively safeguard workers' rights, promote fair labor practices, and support the welfare of employees throughout Nepal. Employers and employees alike should adhere to these regulations to ensure compliance and protect labor rights in the country.
